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Football Showcase Games is an independent Talent ID programme designed to maximise players opportunities and pathways into Academy and professional Football both in the UK and overseas. 




Football clubs are always looking to discover new talent to add to their ranks, however covering their geographical area in sufficient detail is a big enough challenge in itself before being able to look further afield due to the sheer volume of players who play football throughout the week. Time spent monitoring players often means other players can be missed.  Other challenges exist such as recruiting staff with the suitable qualifications, knowledge and experience to make assessments of players. 




Football Showcase Games help clubs combat those challenges. 


Our concept is simple - provide players with a platform to showcase their ability to as many suitable clubs as possible.  We do this by providing our clubs individually tailored footage of all players who attend our showcase games.  Each player in our showcase games has their performance filmed and clipped based around the 4 main moments in the game - in possession, out of possession, attacking and defensive transitions. In addition, every action a player makes - every run, dribble, pass, shot, header, interception, tackle - is logged and placed into a report for both player and clubs to see.  This footage and data is stored online for clubs to access whenever and wherever they are.  The more players play, the bigger their showcase file grows, increasing their chances at of obtaining a trial with a club.


For the first time ever, you have the opportunity of catching the eye of dozens of scouts and share to own your performance. All backed up by high quality statistical data and footage reviewed by our coaches. Join us to challenge the old fashioned approach to be being found by scouts and present your talents to them directly.

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